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Travel safe

We keep our traveller’s safety a TOP priority. Feeling safe is necessary for you to relax and enjoy your trip and we guarantee you that we follow all governmental regulations and advice concerning safety, hygiene and other measures regarding Covid-19. We put an effort into making sure that our service providers such as drivers and transportation vehicles, local guides, restaurants, hotels and other accommodation suppliers deliver safe conditions during your stay.

All actors within tourism business are aware of the new circumstances which Covid-19 has brought into the light in 2020 and nothing will be the same in the future. Our travel products are developed to meet the new situation and our short term recommendation for travellers is to travel in couples or small private groups where all parties know each other.

We have all experienced daily, weekly and monthly changes when it comes to recommendations and regulations set forward from governments and health care institutions. In case any major changes happen we will keep you informed by latest 7 days before the beginning of your trip. For other information regarding payment and booking conditions please look for more information at the end of each of our travel product.

Any questions? Contact
our team.
Covid 19 Travel information
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